CoArts 71st Annual Juried Show
June 1-30, 2021
The year 2020 has been a year to burden everyone’s heart. The global pandemic has interfered with our gatherings as a community, as families, as friends, as arts patrons, and has taken too many lives. Our changing planet’s fires, floods, and storms have endangered many and our divided national political environment added even more stress.
OUR HEARTS NEED A LIFT! And each of you can help lift us all by entering paintings that have lifted your heart as you’ve created them! We know they will lift ours too.
Important Dates: Show runs June 1-30, 2021
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Prospectus Information
All Seattle CoArts juried members up to date with dues and who have attended at least three meetings from January 2020 through January 2021 are eligible to enter the 2021 Juried Show. In-person meetings, Zoom meetings and Board meetings, as well as CoArts sponsored workshops and PaintOuts, when they can be held, qualify as meetings for eligibility. Show Chairs are ineligible to receive awards.
- 45 paintings will be selected
- Entry Fee is $35 for which each artist may enter up to three paintings.
- All entries must be for sale, and may not be removed for any reason during the duration of the show.
- Any painting accepted and shown in a previous CoArts Juried Show is ineligible for entry into the 2021 show.
- Entries must be original work of the artist, painted without the supervision of an instructor (whether in person or in a Zoom class), completed within the last two years, and not based on any copyrighted material.
- Only original paintings, drawings, collage/mixed media, and hand pulled prints are acceptable. No giclee or reproductions are acceptable.
- Size: Paintings must not exceed 36 inches on any side, including framing. There is no required minimum size.
- Presentation: Art must be framed or have gallery wrapped or finished edges and be ready to hang with a wire on the back about ¼ of the way from the top. No work with sawtooth hangers will be accepted.
- Work must be labeled: The back of each painting must be clearly labeled with your name, title of the work, medium, price and your contact information.
- Artwork will be judged on its aesthetic quality and appropriateness for public display. No frontal nudity is permitted in the show.
- Prepare 1 high-quality, evenly-lit jpeg of each artwork submitted, cropped to exclude frame or background, to the following digital specifications: 300 ppi (pixels per inch) and 1800 pixels (6 in) on the longest side. If you cannot size your photos to this size, send the highest-resolution images you can and Beth will resize them for you.
- Label each image using the following format: LastnameFirstname-ThisIsTheTitle-00hx00wx00d(Example: BetkerBeth-MythicBeauty-24hx18wx2d)Include no spaces or commas. Do not include a middle or maiden name. You can include that middle name in your text data below if you want it on your wall label, as I do!
Please capitalize all words in the photo filename (as shown), and rest assured capitalizations will be characterized on wall labels as you list them in the text data.
Dimensions should reflect framed/finished dimensions and be stated as HxWxD, rounding up to avoid fractions and decimals.
- Email all jpegs and the following text information in a single email to: Beth Betker before midnight March 12.
Subject line of email should read: SCA 2021 Art to Lift Our Hearts
Begin the text of your email with your contact information, formatted as:
City, State, Zip:
Website:Leave a blank space and then list the following, formatted as shown, for each artwork.
Artist Name (as you would like it to appear on the wall label):
Medium (no capital letters unless using proper name, e.g. Yupo):
Framed/Finished Size (HXWXD, rounding up to avoid fractions or decimals):
Price: $000.00 (note: Red Sky Gallery charges a 50% commission):Do not number your artworks. List these entries alphabetically by title.
Do not embed your images in the email. Attach them to the email.
Sending all your images and data in one email in this format will prevent having to email back and forth with you to process your entry.
Here is an example of how your email text should look:
Beth Betker
PO Box 75555
Seattle, WA 98175
www.betkerart.comArtist: Beth Van Faasen Betker
Title: Mythic Beauty
Medium: oil
Framed/Finished size: 24hx18wx2d
Price: $200.00Artist: Beth Van Faasen Betker
Title: Oh My Gosh
Medium: oil
Framed/Finished size: 18hx24wx2d
Price: $200.00We are aware we ask you to send some of this information to two places, via the entry form and this email. PLEASE DO SO. Both are necessary to complete your entry.
- Red Sky Gallery takes a 50 % commission on all sales from the show.
- Availability: By submitting your paintings to this Seattle CoArts Juried Show, you are guaranteeing that they are for sale, that you will make the works available for the dates of the show. Paintings may not be removed during the show for any reason. Failure to comply with this availability will result in disqualification from the following year’s Seattle CoArts Juried Show.
- No substitutions: All digital images will be kept on file with the show committee throughout the show. All paintings must be exactly as they appear on the image. No substitutions or alterations are accepted.
- Sales: Red Sky will contact artists directly to notify them of a sale and Red Sky will pay artists for sales by the 31st of July.
- Subsequent sales: If the Artist sells any piece of artwork after the exhibit closes to a patron who saw it in the gallery during the exhibition, the artist shall remit the 50% commission to Red Sky gallery within 30 days of the sale.
- Promotion By submitting your work, you give Seattle CoArts and Red Sky Gallery permission to use your images for publicity purposes, such as press releases, printed promotional materials, their websites and social media. Artists will always be credited in promotional material and retain all rights to their work.
- Red Sky Gallery insurance does not cover the art carried in the gallery. Artists are advised to insure their work. Although every entry will be handled with care, Red Sky Gallery and Seattle CoArts (and its members) are not responsible for loss or damage to items in the show.

LaZuli by Tom Hoffman
Tom Hoffmann is our juror this year. Tom is a practicing artist and teacher who has been dedicated to watercolor for more than thirty years. He received his BA from Amherst College and an MA in Art Education from the University of London. Tom’s paintings have been exhibited widely. He currently teaches painting at the Gage Academy in Seattle.

Red Sky Gallery, Lake Forest Park Center, Upper Back Level. This professional art gallery is over 3000 sq ft with skylights in high ceilings. It is filled with wonderful art and artisan-made gifts. It is a gorgeous art space; please visit it whenever you can to show Co-Arts’ support for Red Sky’s welcome of our show. As a professional gallery, the commission on works sold is 50%.
Red Sky Gallery
17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155
(425) 301-6962